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Abstract Submission Deadline 05 November 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 03 March 2024

Urbanization and the escalating effects of climate change have precipitated a myriad of environmental conundrums that underscore the necessity for urban resilience. Green infrastructure, incorporating natural and semi-natural components within the urban landscape, has surfaced as an indispensable tool for bolstering urban sustainability and resilience. Central to this green infrastructure is the urban forest, pivotal due to its extensive capability to offer a multitude of ecosystem services. These services include but are not limited to stormwater management, air quality enhancement, mitigation of urban heat islands, and biodiversity conservation.

Despite the burgeoning interest in urban forests, an exigent need exists for advanced research and practical guidance. This is particularly true when considering their integration with other green infrastructure elements to maximize the potential of natural features within urban planning and design. Such comprehensive and effective integration is paramount to ensuring the successful implementation of these approaches within the wider sphere of urban resilience and climate change adaptation.

The objective of this Research Topic is to illuminate the function of urban forests as a vital part of green infrastructure in the construction of resilient urban environments and the augmentation of urban sustainability, especially its multifaceted relationship with broader urban resilience and green infrastructure strategies and the socio-economic and ecological benefits accrued from their implementation, thus providing valuable insights and guidelines for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders active in the urban sustainability and resilience domain.

We welcome contributions that advance our understanding of urban forests as a critical element of green infrastructure and their role in enhancing urban resilience and sustainability. We particularly welcome studies that explore novel strategies for green infrastructure planning, design, and management, with a focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Furthermore, research addressing the complex interplay between urban forests, other resilience measures, and the resulting socio-economic and ecological benefits is highly desirable. Topics include but are not limited to:
- The role of urban forests in enhancing green infrastructure and urban resilience.
- The integration of urban forests with other elements of green infrastructure for maximized potential and benefit.
- The socio-economic and ecological benefits of implementing urban forests as part of green infrastructure strategies.
- Strategies for green infrastructure planning, design, and management, focusing on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
- The complex interplay between urban forests, other resilience measures, and the resultant socio-economic and ecological benefits.

Keywords: Urban Forests, Green Infrastructure, Urban Resilience, Climate Change Adaptation, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Ecosystem Services, Nature-based Solution, Biodiversity Conservation

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Urbanization and the escalating effects of climate change have precipitated a myriad of environmental conundrums that underscore the necessity for urban resilience. Green infrastructure, incorporating natural and semi-natural components within the urban landscape, has surfaced as an indispensable tool for bolstering urban sustainability and resilience. Central to this green infrastructure is the urban forest, pivotal due to its extensive capability to offer a multitude of ecosystem services. These services include but are not limited to stormwater management, air quality enhancement, mitigation of urban heat islands, and biodiversity conservation.

Despite the burgeoning interest in urban forests, an exigent need exists for advanced research and practical guidance. This is particularly true when considering their integration with other green infrastructure elements to maximize the potential of natural features within urban planning and design. Such comprehensive and effective integration is paramount to ensuring the successful implementation of these approaches within the wider sphere of urban resilience and climate change adaptation.

The objective of this Research Topic is to illuminate the function of urban forests as a vital part of green infrastructure in the construction of resilient urban environments and the augmentation of urban sustainability, especially its multifaceted relationship with broader urban resilience and green infrastructure strategies and the socio-economic and ecological benefits accrued from their implementation, thus providing valuable insights and guidelines for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders active in the urban sustainability and resilience domain.

We welcome contributions that advance our understanding of urban forests as a critical element of green infrastructure and their role in enhancing urban resilience and sustainability. We particularly welcome studies that explore novel strategies for green infrastructure planning, design, and management, with a focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Furthermore, research addressing the complex interplay between urban forests, other resilience measures, and the resulting socio-economic and ecological benefits is highly desirable. Topics include but are not limited to:
- The role of urban forests in enhancing green infrastructure and urban resilience.
- The integration of urban forests with other elements of green infrastructure for maximized potential and benefit.
- The socio-economic and ecological benefits of implementing urban forests as part of green infrastructure strategies.
- Strategies for green infrastructure planning, design, and management, focusing on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
- The complex interplay between urban forests, other resilience measures, and the resultant socio-economic and ecological benefits.

Keywords: Urban Forests, Green Infrastructure, Urban Resilience, Climate Change Adaptation, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Ecosystem Services, Nature-based Solution, Biodiversity Conservation

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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