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Abstract Submission Deadline 30 November 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 31 March 2024

The focus of this collection will center on the convergence of applied cryptography and distributed computing within blockchains, covering both layer-1 technology (consensus protocols, peer-to-peer networking, sharding, smart contracts) and layer-2 technology (oracles, lightning networks, side channels, decentralized identity services, roll-ups, off-chain decentralized storage systems, etc.).

Since their inception, blockchains have combined cryptography and distributed computing to establish a shared data structure that is both consistent and secure in an open and highly vulnerable environment. However, it is worth noting that the research communities of cryptography and distributed computing have evolved separately, each with their own unique methodologies. This dichotomy poses challenges in designing and analyzing blockchain solutions, as it requires integrating components developed with different models and proven under diverse assumptions.

In this article collection, we are seeking contributions that emphasize the convergence of applied cryptography and distributed computing within blockchains. We are particularly interested in addressing the difficulties that arise from the integration of these two domains, highlighting innovative approaches for designing and analyzing blockchain solutions that navigate between cryptography and distributed computing. By exploring this intersection, we can advance the understanding and development of robust and efficient blockchain technologies that leverage the strengths of both fields. In addition, articles that discuss any of the following points are gladly received:

- Zero-knowledge proofs
- Consensus protocols and Proof-of-*
- Adversary models, vulnerabilities and attacks
- Public randomness
- Leader Election in blockchains
- Anonymity/Pseudonymity
- Verifiable computing
- Security analyses
- Multi-party computation
- Architectural solutions for privacy and robustness
- Oracles and smart contracts
- Byzantine fault-tolerance for blockchains
- Peer-to-peer networks with malicious participants
- Decentralized storage
- Side channels, Side Chains and Interoperability
- Secure sharding
- Validation techniques

This list is illustrative, not comprehensive. We also encourage submissions on other topics along the general theme. Papers can be either theoretical or empirical: in both cases, they must contain original content that advances the state of the art of blockchain. We also welcome survey papers that compare existing approaches or systematize the knowledge about a given topic.

Keywords: Blockchains, Distributed Systems, Applied Cryptography, Robustness, Confidentiality, Scalability, System Design

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

The focus of this collection will center on the convergence of applied cryptography and distributed computing within blockchains, covering both layer-1 technology (consensus protocols, peer-to-peer networking, sharding, smart contracts) and layer-2 technology (oracles, lightning networks, side channels, decentralized identity services, roll-ups, off-chain decentralized storage systems, etc.).

Since their inception, blockchains have combined cryptography and distributed computing to establish a shared data structure that is both consistent and secure in an open and highly vulnerable environment. However, it is worth noting that the research communities of cryptography and distributed computing have evolved separately, each with their own unique methodologies. This dichotomy poses challenges in designing and analyzing blockchain solutions, as it requires integrating components developed with different models and proven under diverse assumptions.

In this article collection, we are seeking contributions that emphasize the convergence of applied cryptography and distributed computing within blockchains. We are particularly interested in addressing the difficulties that arise from the integration of these two domains, highlighting innovative approaches for designing and analyzing blockchain solutions that navigate between cryptography and distributed computing. By exploring this intersection, we can advance the understanding and development of robust and efficient blockchain technologies that leverage the strengths of both fields. In addition, articles that discuss any of the following points are gladly received:

- Zero-knowledge proofs
- Consensus protocols and Proof-of-*
- Adversary models, vulnerabilities and attacks
- Public randomness
- Leader Election in blockchains
- Anonymity/Pseudonymity
- Verifiable computing
- Security analyses
- Multi-party computation
- Architectural solutions for privacy and robustness
- Oracles and smart contracts
- Byzantine fault-tolerance for blockchains
- Peer-to-peer networks with malicious participants
- Decentralized storage
- Side channels, Side Chains and Interoperability
- Secure sharding
- Validation techniques

This list is illustrative, not comprehensive. We also encourage submissions on other topics along the general theme. Papers can be either theoretical or empirical: in both cases, they must contain original content that advances the state of the art of blockchain. We also welcome survey papers that compare existing approaches or systematize the knowledge about a given topic.

Keywords: Blockchains, Distributed Systems, Applied Cryptography, Robustness, Confidentiality, Scalability, System Design

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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