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Abstract Submission Deadline 22 November 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 21 March 2024

The use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing has greatly aided in attracting users and has resulted in a significant advancement in this field. Furthermore, artificial intelligence in digital marketing plays a constructive role in data-based decisions, because through deep learning, user behavior can be predicted from the beginning to the end of the purchase path.

As a result, optimizing the marketing process becomes a top priority for every business, and the power of artificial intelligence in businesses can provide significant added value. Added value that can be effective for forecasting and the ability to identify sales opportunities, as well as a more comprehensive understanding of customers, and lead to the expansion of services and increased customer retention.

Currently, artificial intelligence is accessible to most businesses, and the combination of artificial intelligence and digital marketing is considered a valuable tool for digital marketers. The significant effects of artificial intelligence in matters such as selecting the desired customers, assisting in the provision of relevant recommendations, and providing customers with quick service are undeniable. Indeed, digital marketing with artificial intelligence enables marketers and business owners to grow their brand while meeting their customers' expectations.

Despite its capabilities in data collection and the use of new algorithms that can accurately track customer behavior and ultimately lead to sales forecasts and invest return rate, current research in the ethics of artificial intelligence and social sciences has recently revealed a number of artificial intelligence failures that must be addressed in order to properly calculate the impact of artificial intelligence algorithms. Data can be extremely beneficial in the field of digital marketing.

This Research Topic aims to present innovative insights, new achievements, breakthroughs, and future trends in the field of Digital Marketing in particular, the focus will be on Artificial intelligence.

This Research Topic emphasizes the following topics, and we invite original research, review, mini-review, and perspective articles on the following topics:
· Digital Marketing
· Customer Relation Management
· B2B Digital Marketing
· Digital business models
· Innovation Strategies
· Social Network Strategies

Keywords: Digital Marketing, B2B Digital Marketing, AI, Customer Relation Management

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

The use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing has greatly aided in attracting users and has resulted in a significant advancement in this field. Furthermore, artificial intelligence in digital marketing plays a constructive role in data-based decisions, because through deep learning, user behavior can be predicted from the beginning to the end of the purchase path.

As a result, optimizing the marketing process becomes a top priority for every business, and the power of artificial intelligence in businesses can provide significant added value. Added value that can be effective for forecasting and the ability to identify sales opportunities, as well as a more comprehensive understanding of customers, and lead to the expansion of services and increased customer retention.

Currently, artificial intelligence is accessible to most businesses, and the combination of artificial intelligence and digital marketing is considered a valuable tool for digital marketers. The significant effects of artificial intelligence in matters such as selecting the desired customers, assisting in the provision of relevant recommendations, and providing customers with quick service are undeniable. Indeed, digital marketing with artificial intelligence enables marketers and business owners to grow their brand while meeting their customers' expectations.

Despite its capabilities in data collection and the use of new algorithms that can accurately track customer behavior and ultimately lead to sales forecasts and invest return rate, current research in the ethics of artificial intelligence and social sciences has recently revealed a number of artificial intelligence failures that must be addressed in order to properly calculate the impact of artificial intelligence algorithms. Data can be extremely beneficial in the field of digital marketing.

This Research Topic aims to present innovative insights, new achievements, breakthroughs, and future trends in the field of Digital Marketing in particular, the focus will be on Artificial intelligence.

This Research Topic emphasizes the following topics, and we invite original research, review, mini-review, and perspective articles on the following topics:
· Digital Marketing
· Customer Relation Management
· B2B Digital Marketing
· Digital business models
· Innovation Strategies
· Social Network Strategies

Keywords: Digital Marketing, B2B Digital Marketing, AI, Customer Relation Management

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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