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Abstract Submission Deadline 17 November 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 16 March 2024

As a domain of science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) develops machines and programs for computers that can accomplish tasks that would normally require human intelligence abilities. Generative AI tools open new horizons for education and posses for education and poses manifold challenges. For the most part, educational institutions are ill-prepared to best utilize the opportunities, navigate the disruptions, and mitigate risks. In May 2023, a UNESCO global survey of over 450 schools and universities found that fewer than 10 % had developed institutional policies and / or formal guidance concerning the use of generative AI applications. UNESCO encourages prioritizing the principles of inclusion, equity, quality and most vitally, safety when moving to utilize AI tools for education. The formulation and the implementation of these and other principles governing the use of AI in education require further dialogue and research within and across institutions of education and at the level of national governments and international governance.

While AI tools create new prospects for learning, they likely disruptions and risks are numerous. Educators are worried that the deployment of AI will impact the achievement of student learning outcomes, disciplinary norms, the meaning of original scholarship, copyright concerns, the metrics of effective assessment and academic integrity, It is of paramount importance for academics and administrators to gain a better understanding of the promise and perils of generative AI, how it will likely impact education and how it might be governed.

To remain confident about the originality and the integrity of the works, it is of paramount importance for academics to have a better understanding of how the Generative AI tools work and are utilized in education; how it impacts the education itself; and how it should be governed, underlining that the formulation of the regulations can only be built once the proper research has been conducted.

This research topic welcomes contributions addressing, but not limited to following topics:

1. Legal analytics on generative AI
2. Generative AI and its impact on student learning
3. Generative AI and the metrics of effective academic assessment
4. Copyright issues on the utilization of generative AI
5. Managing disruption of generative AI in education
6. Legal analysis of the governance of generative AI
7. Comparative studies on the use of generative AI in education
8. National and international governance of AI in education

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Education; Governance; ChatGPT

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

As a domain of science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) develops machines and programs for computers that can accomplish tasks that would normally require human intelligence abilities. Generative AI tools open new horizons for education and posses for education and poses manifold challenges. For the most part, educational institutions are ill-prepared to best utilize the opportunities, navigate the disruptions, and mitigate risks. In May 2023, a UNESCO global survey of over 450 schools and universities found that fewer than 10 % had developed institutional policies and / or formal guidance concerning the use of generative AI applications. UNESCO encourages prioritizing the principles of inclusion, equity, quality and most vitally, safety when moving to utilize AI tools for education. The formulation and the implementation of these and other principles governing the use of AI in education require further dialogue and research within and across institutions of education and at the level of national governments and international governance.

While AI tools create new prospects for learning, they likely disruptions and risks are numerous. Educators are worried that the deployment of AI will impact the achievement of student learning outcomes, disciplinary norms, the meaning of original scholarship, copyright concerns, the metrics of effective assessment and academic integrity, It is of paramount importance for academics and administrators to gain a better understanding of the promise and perils of generative AI, how it will likely impact education and how it might be governed.

To remain confident about the originality and the integrity of the works, it is of paramount importance for academics to have a better understanding of how the Generative AI tools work and are utilized in education; how it impacts the education itself; and how it should be governed, underlining that the formulation of the regulations can only be built once the proper research has been conducted.

This research topic welcomes contributions addressing, but not limited to following topics:

1. Legal analytics on generative AI
2. Generative AI and its impact on student learning
3. Generative AI and the metrics of effective academic assessment
4. Copyright issues on the utilization of generative AI
5. Managing disruption of generative AI in education
6. Legal analysis of the governance of generative AI
7. Comparative studies on the use of generative AI in education
8. National and international governance of AI in education

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Education; Governance; ChatGPT

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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