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Abstract Submission Deadline 23 October 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 20 February 2024

Sustainable and innovative infrastructure can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that act as a key tool for stimulating growth and building resilience. Because of the rapid advancements in technology for urban expansion, a focus on transportation networks has become an essential component. However, earthquakes and their post-effects such as slope failure and landslides have devastating consequences for tunnels and bridges as part of any phase of the transportation network. The failure of slopes poses a significant risk to both the environment and human activities, especially when caused by natural processes. Despite the implementation of geotechnical principles, unpredictability brought on by weather variations, seismic activity, or unexplained geological formations can result in slope failures with disastrous effects.

Various types of damage at several parts of the structural elements can be observed depending on the intensity of ground motion. Understanding the traffic flow and functionality of any network during post-seismic scenarios is a significant challenge in and of itself. After all, extensive and collapse-level damages will result in the network being shut down for any operation, directly affecting the economic budget of the project. Thus, continuous monitoring, forecasting, and early warning systems are necessary to lessen the effects of such disasters in order to protect lives and priceless transportation assets.

Any element that is impacted during strong motion will undoubtedly provide the primary level damage signal to the next element in the path. The impact of individual elemental damage dependency and their effects on network functionality and economic indignity must be investigated for sustainable and resilient infrastructures.

This special issue aims to discuss new approaches, methods, and tools, present the findings of case studies from various parts of the world, and present the state-of-the-art in the field of seismic risk and resilience assessment of multi-utility transportation infrastructure and urban projects.

This Research Topic will look to address:

Automation in Transportation

Dynamic characterization and vulnerability assessment of transportation infrastructures

Multi-hazard risk management for road and railway infrastructures

Innovations in energy dissipation devices for disaster protection

Advanced and integrated structural health monitoring solutions for critical infrastructure

Recent advances and challenges in portfolio risk management.

Keywords: Natural disaster, risk, resilience, loss, damage, economic devaluation

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Sustainable and innovative infrastructure can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that act as a key tool for stimulating growth and building resilience. Because of the rapid advancements in technology for urban expansion, a focus on transportation networks has become an essential component. However, earthquakes and their post-effects such as slope failure and landslides have devastating consequences for tunnels and bridges as part of any phase of the transportation network. The failure of slopes poses a significant risk to both the environment and human activities, especially when caused by natural processes. Despite the implementation of geotechnical principles, unpredictability brought on by weather variations, seismic activity, or unexplained geological formations can result in slope failures with disastrous effects.

Various types of damage at several parts of the structural elements can be observed depending on the intensity of ground motion. Understanding the traffic flow and functionality of any network during post-seismic scenarios is a significant challenge in and of itself. After all, extensive and collapse-level damages will result in the network being shut down for any operation, directly affecting the economic budget of the project. Thus, continuous monitoring, forecasting, and early warning systems are necessary to lessen the effects of such disasters in order to protect lives and priceless transportation assets.

Any element that is impacted during strong motion will undoubtedly provide the primary level damage signal to the next element in the path. The impact of individual elemental damage dependency and their effects on network functionality and economic indignity must be investigated for sustainable and resilient infrastructures.

This special issue aims to discuss new approaches, methods, and tools, present the findings of case studies from various parts of the world, and present the state-of-the-art in the field of seismic risk and resilience assessment of multi-utility transportation infrastructure and urban projects.

This Research Topic will look to address:

Automation in Transportation

Dynamic characterization and vulnerability assessment of transportation infrastructures

Multi-hazard risk management for road and railway infrastructures

Innovations in energy dissipation devices for disaster protection

Advanced and integrated structural health monitoring solutions for critical infrastructure

Recent advances and challenges in portfolio risk management.

Keywords: Natural disaster, risk, resilience, loss, damage, economic devaluation

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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