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Abstract Submission Deadline 31 October 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 07 January 2024

"Conversations In" represents a novel platform designed to stimulate dynamic and insightful dialogues amongst academics. It invites concise contributions that either respond to existing discussions or introduce fresh perspectives on specific themes within the forestry field. Each article aims to spark and contribute to meaningful debates.

For the first collection in “Conversations In”, we ask leading academics to contribute to the debate around the question: Will planting trees solve anything?

Our decision to launch the first "Conversations In" collection with the theme of tree planting stems from the increasing global attention to reforestation efforts and their potential environmental and ecological impacts. While tree planting has garnered significant public and policy interest, debates persist about its true effectiveness and the tangible benefits it offers. This debate is particularly relevant in the face of escalating forest disturbances, such as pests, fires and drought, which have the potential to disrupt or even negate the expected benefits of newly planted forests. Understanding the efficacy of tree planting initiatives is crucial for making informed decisions regarding environmental restoration and climate change mitigation.

By evaluating the ecosystem services provided, assessing effectiveness, considering influencing factors, and acknowledging socio-economic implications, this collection aims to provide valuable insights into the potential of tree planting as a tool for addressing global environmental challenges including those exacerbated by forest disturbances.

Each article submitted should be no more than 1,500 words and can include one table and/or figure. Authors should select the Opinion article type when submitting their manuscripts to this call. Whilst perspectives from groups of authors are welcome, we ask that researchers consider the value of individual dialogue within this article collection as well.

To celebrate this inaugural collection, waivers to Article Processing Charges are available to authors. Please reach out to the Editorial Office in advance of submitting at for more information on how to access these waivers.

Keywords: conversations in, tree planting, reforestation, afforestation, restoration, ecosystem services, climate change, forest management

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

"Conversations In" represents a novel platform designed to stimulate dynamic and insightful dialogues amongst academics. It invites concise contributions that either respond to existing discussions or introduce fresh perspectives on specific themes within the forestry field. Each article aims to spark and contribute to meaningful debates.

For the first collection in “Conversations In”, we ask leading academics to contribute to the debate around the question: Will planting trees solve anything?

Our decision to launch the first "Conversations In" collection with the theme of tree planting stems from the increasing global attention to reforestation efforts and their potential environmental and ecological impacts. While tree planting has garnered significant public and policy interest, debates persist about its true effectiveness and the tangible benefits it offers. This debate is particularly relevant in the face of escalating forest disturbances, such as pests, fires and drought, which have the potential to disrupt or even negate the expected benefits of newly planted forests. Understanding the efficacy of tree planting initiatives is crucial for making informed decisions regarding environmental restoration and climate change mitigation.

By evaluating the ecosystem services provided, assessing effectiveness, considering influencing factors, and acknowledging socio-economic implications, this collection aims to provide valuable insights into the potential of tree planting as a tool for addressing global environmental challenges including those exacerbated by forest disturbances.

Each article submitted should be no more than 1,500 words and can include one table and/or figure. Authors should select the Opinion article type when submitting their manuscripts to this call. Whilst perspectives from groups of authors are welcome, we ask that researchers consider the value of individual dialogue within this article collection as well.

To celebrate this inaugural collection, waivers to Article Processing Charges are available to authors. Please reach out to the Editorial Office in advance of submitting at for more information on how to access these waivers.

Keywords: conversations in, tree planting, reforestation, afforestation, restoration, ecosystem services, climate change, forest management

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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