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Abstract Submission Deadline 30 November 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 30 April 2024

Spinal deformities in the adult population have become a common medical disorder with a measurable impact on patients' health-related quality of life and sanitary costs. Over the last decades the management of these diseases has acquired a central role in daily practice of spine specialists. Significant advances have been made in the care of these patients, to improve the understanding of radiographic objectives, the clinical outcomes, and the surgical strategies reducing the occurrence of common complications. The reached results are, otherwise, far from the gold standard and the treatment of this population will continue to evolve.

The future of the management of spine deformities of all aetiology will require continued improvement of predictability, safety, and sustainability. Taking into account all these aspects, primary focus of this issue is to understand how the management of spinal deformities has changed over the years and which are the new perspectives to complete the evolution from a physician-based assessment to a patients-centered perception of improvement. The advances in the treatment of this wide population would be the central theme of the volume. Particular interest would be given to the application of new techniques and technological innovations to improve standards of care and reduce complications, and to providing pre-operative individualized counselling regarding optimal treatment approaches.

The main purpose of the present issue is to give an overview on the present status of the management of spine deformities, considering all possible different aetiologies (scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, post-traumatic deformity, oncologic deformity), in young adults and adults patients, excluding pure geriatric population. A special attention, would be also given, to the new frontiers reached in the treatment of these complex diseases, included innovative surgical techniques, integrated approaches between different specialties, any technological evolution in the field.

Original articles and review would be considered for publication.

Keywords: Spine Deformity, Trauma, Oncologic Lesions, Spine Surgery, Scoliosis

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Spinal deformities in the adult population have become a common medical disorder with a measurable impact on patients' health-related quality of life and sanitary costs. Over the last decades the management of these diseases has acquired a central role in daily practice of spine specialists. Significant advances have been made in the care of these patients, to improve the understanding of radiographic objectives, the clinical outcomes, and the surgical strategies reducing the occurrence of common complications. The reached results are, otherwise, far from the gold standard and the treatment of this population will continue to evolve.

The future of the management of spine deformities of all aetiology will require continued improvement of predictability, safety, and sustainability. Taking into account all these aspects, primary focus of this issue is to understand how the management of spinal deformities has changed over the years and which are the new perspectives to complete the evolution from a physician-based assessment to a patients-centered perception of improvement. The advances in the treatment of this wide population would be the central theme of the volume. Particular interest would be given to the application of new techniques and technological innovations to improve standards of care and reduce complications, and to providing pre-operative individualized counselling regarding optimal treatment approaches.

The main purpose of the present issue is to give an overview on the present status of the management of spine deformities, considering all possible different aetiologies (scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, post-traumatic deformity, oncologic deformity), in young adults and adults patients, excluding pure geriatric population. A special attention, would be also given, to the new frontiers reached in the treatment of these complex diseases, included innovative surgical techniques, integrated approaches between different specialties, any technological evolution in the field.

Original articles and review would be considered for publication.

Keywords: Spine Deformity, Trauma, Oncologic Lesions, Spine Surgery, Scoliosis

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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