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Abstract Submission Deadline 22 October 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 19 February 2024

ICRAE-2023 focuses on discussing the impact of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics, Manufacturing, Materials, augmented reality, and IoT on value chain support and optimization in the Manufacturing Sector, Industry 4.0, Advanced Optimization Techniques, Sustainable Environmental Materials, Sustainable Technology Innovation, Performance Optimization, Energy & Environmental Materials, Advanced Materials, Smart Vehicles and Mechatronics. All the topics including Cutting Edge Research related to all fields of AI / ML Systems, Robotics and Automation, Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics Systems, Advanced Materials and Smart Vehicles are welcomed.

The issue is dedicated to demonstrating the potential of surface manufacturing and advanced material processing & manufacturing to conserve energy and resources. Surface engineering and advanced manufacturing is considered an important aspect in the reduction of friction and wear. To reduce production costs and improve quality and reliability, new manufacturing processes and novel analytical models are required for process control and optimization. The adoption of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing for sustainability will be related to a systematic approach from concept development, product design and manufacturing to product delivery and service.

This Research Topic discusses a wide range of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing technologies along with applications in a comprehensive manner. As well as an enhanced explanation of the process and its attributes, this issue will also give insight into the types of materials, applications, and optimization of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing techniques. It discusses important topics including surface engineering and advanced manufacturing of the functionality of graded materials, materials characterization, processing of biomaterials, design, surface modification technologies and process control, smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning applications.

The Research Topic will:

• Discusses computational and simulation analyses for better selection of process parameters.

• Covers optimizations of processes with state-of-the-art technologies.

• Discusses applications of surface engineering in medical, agricultural, architecture engineering, and allied sectors.

•Covers processing techniques of biomaterials in surface engineering and advanced manufacturing.

Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Green technology, Sustainable material, Advanced Manufacturing, Surface Engineering and Advanced Materials

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

ICRAE-2023 focuses on discussing the impact of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics, Manufacturing, Materials, augmented reality, and IoT on value chain support and optimization in the Manufacturing Sector, Industry 4.0, Advanced Optimization Techniques, Sustainable Environmental Materials, Sustainable Technology Innovation, Performance Optimization, Energy & Environmental Materials, Advanced Materials, Smart Vehicles and Mechatronics. All the topics including Cutting Edge Research related to all fields of AI / ML Systems, Robotics and Automation, Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics Systems, Advanced Materials and Smart Vehicles are welcomed.

The issue is dedicated to demonstrating the potential of surface manufacturing and advanced material processing & manufacturing to conserve energy and resources. Surface engineering and advanced manufacturing is considered an important aspect in the reduction of friction and wear. To reduce production costs and improve quality and reliability, new manufacturing processes and novel analytical models are required for process control and optimization. The adoption of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing for sustainability will be related to a systematic approach from concept development, product design and manufacturing to product delivery and service.

This Research Topic discusses a wide range of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing technologies along with applications in a comprehensive manner. As well as an enhanced explanation of the process and its attributes, this issue will also give insight into the types of materials, applications, and optimization of surface engineering and advanced manufacturing techniques. It discusses important topics including surface engineering and advanced manufacturing of the functionality of graded materials, materials characterization, processing of biomaterials, design, surface modification technologies and process control, smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning applications.

The Research Topic will:

• Discusses computational and simulation analyses for better selection of process parameters.

• Covers optimizations of processes with state-of-the-art technologies.

• Discusses applications of surface engineering in medical, agricultural, architecture engineering, and allied sectors.

•Covers processing techniques of biomaterials in surface engineering and advanced manufacturing.

Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Green technology, Sustainable material, Advanced Manufacturing, Surface Engineering and Advanced Materials

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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